Invisible truth

22 The problem all spiritual researchers and scientists face is the fact that the activities of the soul cannot be measured. This is the only dilemma speaking against a conscious existence after death. But whatever cannot be gained through the direct approach, can be verified indirectly , that is to say, the otherworldly, respectively, spiritual activity can be measured and this very accurately indeed. Up to now, one has concentrated on measuring the ENERGY of the human soul, a “phantom”, directly. When ghosts materialise , temporary matter is created and it can be measured. One has attributed this temporary matter only to the mediums in the past. The participants of all spiritistic and spiritual séances, if they are a success, loose ENERGY - they get tired, loose vigour and depending on the type of contribution made, they feel drained. This enfeeblement can be verified and also measured. The LOSS of VIGOUR - respectively, LOSS of ENERGY by the mediums can therefore be accurately verified. This loss of energy is on account of the hereafter, because they have expended this energy.  An automatic writing medium that would create its messages from the subconscious, would never be this drained and weakened as it happens during a genuine contact with the other side. The exploration of the spiritual realm (Author Herbert Viktor Speer, from the year 1961) The most decisive question one can ask SPIRITUALISM is: What evidence can SPIRITUALISM offer that provides prove that the manifestations by the medium are definitely from the hereafter and have nothing to do with the subconscious of the medium? The answer to this can only come from experience gained over many years in this field. A scientific observer wouldn’t arrive at the same conclusions just like that, unless he had witnessed the development of the medium over many years. But it is very rare that such a medium can be observed and scientifically controlled over many years. The so-called conventional spiritism (house and garden variety) offers a better opportunity for these kinds of observations, because the circle participants aren’t always up to the task of testing the medium or their knowledge of the spiritual possibilities available is inadequate. The results are absolutely convincing for these people, but not necessarily for sceptics outside the circle. Within the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, the mediums could be observed over many years right from the start. Because the children involved were those of the leader of the circle, their education and talents were well known. The answer for the above question can only be:  The medium achievement must be something that doesn’t fit into its subconscious, or into the subconscious of any of the participants, under any circumstances. This achievement has to be so alien, that it could only come from an entity that can’t be grasped or detected by the normal, earthly-physical senses. This entity has to demonstrate a higher intelligence, surpassing the intelligence of all participants by a mile. Such an achievement would not have to be produced a thousand times, then one singular piece of this kind of evidence would be irrevocably objective.  The reality is that there are thousands of these achievements!