In the service of science - Part 3

49 this. Traditions and confessional concepts get in the way of researching the hereafter, because these dogmas and mistakes are carried beyond death into the hereafter. • The truth demands courageous application without showing a craving for recognition in the process. • Human mediums must be protected and they must not be exposed to ridicule if they fail. • The acquired results do not belong to the Church, but are the property of the sciences and consequently the property of all of mankind. • Scientists must however know that researching the hereafter deals with ENERGIES that can be unimaginably dangerous to those that experiment with them. • Preconceived ideas are a hindrance, because they stem from study results that are completely inadequate and unsuitable for this field of knowledge. • The research into the hereafter is a global affair and makes no distinction between races, nations or cast systems. It only deals with the realm of the here and now and the OTHERWORLDLY REALM, ergo with two spheres of existence human beings alternatively travel through. • Objections expressed by psychologists are most of the time inapplicable here, because they are based on false starting points . • The research into the hereafter is not there to explore the concept of GOD, but to explain people’s life tasks . • The evidence is found in the fact that human beings are presently the only functioning instruments the spirit can use in the here and now and the hereafter also. One can assume that a soul living in the hereafter cannot be called a “human being”. What constitutes the “human being” part is the fleshy part that constructs itself from matter to then decay again. All of these crucial points listed here stem from our experiences made during thousands of séances. We are convinced that they are trend-setting. A battle between pundits has to be avoided, because it prevents all genuine insights. The research into the hereafter deals with GOOD and EVIL. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences October 1970 Experienced psycho-scientists cannot comprehend that the knowledge in regards to the otherworldly EXISTENCES of man is abnegated in spite of all the achievements made by science and technology. Evidence of the personal survival of human beings is a lot easier and more valuable in comparison to the enormous developments in other fields of science and technology. What are therefore the reasons for the ignorance in regards to such important knowledge? It can not only be because of mediums, because there are plenty of them. There are also thousands of spiritual circles with lots of members that self-experienced practice managed to convince. The