In the service of science - Part 3

47 This also provides us with the confirmation of why “Flying Saucers” have not ceased to fly. Their early warnings have been confirmed! Divine COMMANDMENTS do not count according to the sciences, because they do not believe in these COMMANDMENTS. For as long as they are unable to find, to analyse and to measure GOD, he does not exist for them either. Extra-terrestrials told us that terrestrial religions are unfortunately unbelievable , respectively unreliable . This is verified over and over again. A nun was caught stealing for a warehouse only yesterday. What can one expect from others if this sort of thing happens? To blame is the general disinterestedness and indifference of the masses who show no interest whatsoever in spiritual truths and problems. A football match is infinitely more interesting and more important than a spiritual insight. Clear cut supernatural phenomena of absolute conclusiveness are simply called “hallucinations”. One is talking about the necessity of a revolution everywhere. Isn’t it about time for the sciences to be revolutionised? The human and the divinely inherited logic should be applied and taken into consideration by all war experts. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences August 1970 Psychiatry is pursuing the wrong path. This faculty will never be able to correctly assess the human soul (psyche) for as long as it does not acknowledge the realm of the spirit. This mistake is extremely deplorable. The fact that psychologists are not even familiar with the works and the research results of psychiatrist Dr. Wickland is indeed incredible. They actually possess no knowledge in regards to psychic research. • This ignorance in regards to supernatural PHENOMENA has catastrophic consequences, because thousands of possessed people are diagnosed with suffering from “schizophrenia”, ergo falsely assessed and treated. These circumstances are very tragic and they could certainly be avoided. In the name of all these unfortunate people we ask psychiatry to finally pay attention to the truth! Let us take a case that was aired in the Third Program of the Westdeutschen Fernsehens (German TV station) as an example: A young woman felt that GOD had abandoned and damned her. She believed that the devil had taken control over her and that she was supposed to have a child by the devil. To feel damned like this is monstrous in human terms. No physician is able to lift this feeling of damnation and the representatives of Churches are also not able to do so. Psychiatry that was dealing with the case declared that her mental illness was based on a “sexual desire” and relegated this abnormality into the realm of the subconscious. What does the reality look like? We immediately recognised what was going on. Base spirits approached a suitable psychic human object in order to perform their evil deeds. This woman became clairaudient and was able to hear