In the service of science - Part 3

4 Statistical enquiries were made in Europe in order to establish just what percentage of the population had occult experiences. The numbers were pretty high. But the real percentage is probably a lot higher, as the majority of those interviewed keep quiet in this respect. When a psycho-scientific congress takes place in Germany one can observe that the theological fraternity finds such a congress undesirable. Theological officialdom applies all means of misguidance and defamation to make such congresses impossible. The participants must also exercise great restraint in order to not scandalise the public. Academic science can therefore not assert that occultism or spiritism hardly ever eventuates in civilised countries. They are here and, for as long as spirit beings exist, will always be here. People in civilised countries are still playing hide and seek. Good mediums are also included here, because they eschew publicity, not because they commit fraud, but because one thinks that they are mentally abnormal . The sciences would prefer to have these mediums behind closed doors, so that they could experiment with them. Spiritualism lacks immunity . The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences April 1967 A spiritual point of view in regards to a congress of the Catholic Church, Bavaria : Around 450 participants from august academic circles participated at this important congress. They discussed that it should basically be possible to maintain the viability of an isolated, separated head. Japanese researchers were supposed to have successfully carried out such an experiment with the head of a dog. What is the relationship of this perfection to that of a human head? These discussions and the medical research experiments clearly show the atheism present in this field. The Church astonishingly refrained from making a comment. A sign that their religion does not suffice to deal with this question. Do human beings have the right to cross certain borders and where are these borders? Professor Peter Röttgen had this to say: “The brain is not the seat of the spiritual soul. The brain is to some extent an organ the soul plays, like an organist. The neurosurgeon can remove a few pipes of the organ if it sounds out of tune, but he cannot exchange these pipes. But we neurosurgeons cannot and do not want to touch the organist or the composer.” If the Church is unwilling or incapable of expressing its point of view, we must assert a claim on the spiritual realm to make a comment. The sciences would like to keep a person’s genius alive for the future, even if the rest of the body is forfeited in the process. The genius, ergo the spirit is however COSMIC. The scientists in Munich never mentioned the word “astral body” at all, because the seat of the soul is not only in the brain, but actually throughout the body. The brain is however just a relay, one that is in contact with the cosmic consciousness. Consciousness as well as the astral body are however the divine parts of a human being. This is the reason why the Church should be able to give a clear answer. The realm of the spirit, ergo the real home of all human beings, categorically rejects all such experiments for ethic reasons. The MESSENGER of LIGHT ELIAS: ELIAS : There is an interrelationship between the brain and the soul. The brain, as “computer” and “relay”, offers the soul the opportunity to communicate with the brain. This connection is so strong, that – for as long as the brain retains its functions – the soul gets