In the service of science - Part 3

35 The sciences should indeed deal with the protocols of the Fatima apparitions and try to explain them with the help of present day observations and experiences. This is surely not only the Church’s assignment, but a highly current concern with scientific aspects. But the same ignorance applied to dismiss the messages from Fatima as religious singsong is these days also applied to the momentous messages from UFO occupants, who are not our enemies, but endeavour to enlighten and indoctrinate us out of brotherly love in order to prevent a world catastrophe. Politics empowers and promotes the behaviourism of academic science. It pays its wages and it expects from it exactly what it offers it and this without regard to the true circumstances. • What is lacking is an oath to stick with the truth, something neither the sciences nor politicians dare to swear. On the 13 th anniversary of the first apparition at Fatima , 300,000 pilgrims went to the Cova da Iria . Considerable more go there these days. Are the sciences prepared to hold the opinion that this mass of people are there because of an error of judgment without actually doing something about this? The sciences bear co-responsibility in regards to the public’s power of reasoning. The Fatima apparition is not a miracle, but real fact. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences September 1969 In the battle between the sciences and Church the sciences were correct in many instances. This is the reason why a lot of people are beginning to doubt whether religion can actually assert a claim on reality and the truth. Voices can already be heard – even amongst theologians - asserting that GOD was dead . • This imputation is completely insane, because one can only declare that something is dead if it was alive before! This is further evidence that one cannot deal with logic correctly. It is unfortunately a case where the sciences would like to ply their trade without a GOD. Why? One would like to proceed like this so that one does not have to give account for anything done to a HIGHER AUTHORITY. Whether GOD exists or not is actually a scientific question, but one that could not be answer yet. One thing is however certain, a GOD the way the major religions would like to have HIM, does not exist. Such a GOD never existed. Our spiritual experiences, based on indefatigable and very serious research, gained us insights into this mystery. It has to be mentioned that this psychic research asserted a claim on well over 2,000 hours. Taking into account that we always used the same mediums, this is a very considerable effort in the field of parapsychology. This type of experience towers over all possible theories. • Our experiences with the WORLD of the SPIRIT seem to verify that GOD does indeed have a creative function, but that HE doesn’t control man’s fate himself. HE created an incredibly large ORGANIZATION for this and it is populated by trained PERSONNEL that keep vigil