In the service of science - Part 3

32 in such a backward position, one that conjured up extremely baleful consequences for mankind. This is where a great reformation is due. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences June 1969 Universities and professors actually refused to deal with a psycho-science like spiritualism or with diviners only a few years ago. An exception was the “High Command of the Wehrmacht”, because it maintained a section for this praxis. One tried to find out what the enemy was up to and where their U-boats were stationed. This had nothing to do with gaining HIGHER INSIGHTS or with religious aspects. The results were therefore of a more demonic nature . This happened in Germany . This fact is beyond doubt, because I personally got my hands on the reports of their experiences, not after the war, but whilst battles were still being waged. What happened on the English side? – The English were somewhat more advanced in regards to the occult. One engaged good trance-mediums there, the Air Force in particular used them especially for that purpose. The English Air Marshall planned according to the information he received from spiritual séances. According to his statements he managed to avert a lot of bloodshed in this way. It is further known that the Royal Family held regular séances in London over a number of decades and this to ask their ancestors for advice. One only just recently decided to create a professorship for para-psychology . Experienced spiritualists think that its methods are controversial. Progress in Russia is apparently better than in Germany. Spiritual research is confronted with a great evil: Academic science arrogantly claims that it is better informed than private research. Successes however prove that the opposite is true. Almost all spiritual phenomena are generalised and negatively rejected through prejudice, namely as a function of the subconscious. The moment something significant takes place in this sector, the theory of the ingenious subconscious is immediately at hand and this shows the whole case in a terrestrial light. The mediums are naturally also ingenious in the eyes of science, but they are only so in a trance-state, wherein the medium has no inkling of how incredibly sally and omniscient it really is. Where does the medium get its knowledge and experiences from? It is utterly impossible for academic science to get anywhere near the truth with the help of a few mediums and a few séances. There is an inhibiting-zone before the HIGHEST REVELATIONS and INSIGHTS that is not easily breached. Only years of experience and religious insights make this possible. • Atheistic methods and immoderate doubts can prevent everything. This is where the Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin offers an advantage: The mediums only associate with this community. Fraud and deceptions are impossible, because the mediums are the children of the circle’s leader . This work developed collaboratively. It is neither about a craving for recognition nor about making money; it is only about a mission that serves to indoctrinate to the benefit of all of mankind . Over 1,000 séances showed successes that do not allow any other