In the service of science - Part 3

21 A spiritualistic researcher must not necessarily be an academic, because a title does not help this kind of research whatsoever. On the contrary – it has become apparent that an academic encumbrance not only opposes spiritualism – but occultism in general. • The spiritualist’s power of discernment gets tarnished if he delves into the supernatural and the hard to comprehend with a purely physical yardstick. This certainly doesn’t mean that the spiritualist is an uneducated dreamer. One demands from a pioneer of spiritualism an incredible amount of knowledge in regards to all facets of the human existence. But the experiences and assessments of a spiritualist often do not conform to that of empirical science. But those that believe that the spiritualist lacks the required education have absolutely no idea about these things. A spiritualist (without a doctorate) is more than the equal of any academic when discussing spiritual things about the human existence. It is also a great mistake to assume that all academic researchers, doctors and theologians negatively oppose spiritualism. This is certainly not the case. Some very excellent scientific works about this field of knowledge have come from these quarters. We recommend the works by Dr. Emil Mattiesen or the comprehensive works by Minister of the Church Johannes Greber and many more. 1 Something that really riles us is the fact that a number of academics of renown and titled, snidely assess spiritualism without actually knowing anything about it , well not even acknowledge the difference between spiritism and spiritualism . • One continuously mentions the dangers of occultism and the dangers to one’s health without considering in the process that a trip to the Moon is far more dangerous. An astronaut must undergo training, he must know what he has to do in dangerous situations. The same applies to spiritual mediums and their supporters. They must also undertake this journey into the unknown and gradually lift the veil that hides the mysterious. • This field of knowledge is more important than our terrestrial existence, because it occupied the major part of our existence. One unfortunately makes the mistake of expecting immediate and ultimate results without actually starting right from the beginning. Besides, a lot of scientists and physicians expect omnipotence from the otherworldly in order to verify their existence. Result: Ignorance and knowledge know no boundaries. The Psychic Peace Circle continues to report its experiences September 1968 Psychology is a relatively new science and this means that it is still in its infancy. Points of reference for this science are biological and medical experiences. This is exactly where a grave mistake is made, because both of these points of reference disregard the soul. 1 See: “Eine Documentation wissenschaftlicher Grundlagenfirschung” and “Für den Leser ausgesucht”.