In the service of science - Part 1

2 In the service of science January and February, 1959. The Medialen Friedenskreis, Berlin attracted the attention of the sciences last year. Many doctors, researchers, university professors, psychologists and theologians amongst others, subscribe to the Menetekel brochures. The eminent Iranian writer, psychologist, teacher and mystic H. K. Iranschähr writes: “A heartfelt thank you for sending me your brochure ‘Before the Landing’ and your ‘Menetekel’ newsletters, I have studied them with great interest and devotion.” Professor Dr. G. Lyra , mathematics professor at the University of Göttingen, wrote to us: “Following an inner compulsion I would like to say that I quite often think of your Medialen Friedenskreis with grateful and intercessing pleasure and in the hope that your newsletters and your protocols help bring about a change within people’s attitudes and a renewal within man’s thought processes.” Not one day goes by where we do not receive this kind of recognition for our psycho-scientific work, they give us strength and encouragement for our difficult task. We hereby thank all those that have written to us very cordially. On behalf of our extensive experiences, we would like to address the sciences this year. We will continue to publish our experiences in this field of knowledge under the title “In the service of science” . With GOD’S help – and our contribution - may the TRUTH finally be victorious here on Earth. If you value and love peace, please help us in our endeavours. Maxims 1. There are genuine mediums that can make contact with the INVISIBLE WORLD, a PLANE of VIBRATION we are not familiar with. 2. There are genuine mediums that manage to build up enough PROTECTION around themselves so that they can be allocated one or more GUIDING SPIRITS, which bring them very informative experiences and doctrines. 3. There are genuine mediums that will never reach this goal, because they are not selfless enough and therefore are lied to by underdeveloped otherworldly souls (spiritually dead) in a more or less sophisticated way. Lack of discernment and common sense makes it easy for otherworldly intelligences to play their frivolous game. 4. There are genuine mediums that have partial genuine access, but become insecure and are then used by lowly spirits. These communications are then of mixed quality. 5. There are genuine mediums that are very opinionated , they consider themselves to be holier than thou and they surmise that they are extra special in the eyes of GOD or CHRIST. Lowly ENTITIES enjoy teasing these mediums under well-known names of angels like “MICHAEL”, “GABRIEL” and others.