Illness and healing - Addendum 1

miracles. You can not yet comprehend what super technology is all about. It borders on magic. • Telepathy, teleportation and telekinesis will become something very common place. Question : Would the behaviourism of mankind markedly improve, if it were to adopt a generally vegetarian diet? ELIAS : The path to GOD, ergo RELIGIO (Latin), is not found through a specific diet. People should begin by looking at themselves; they always start at the wrong end. The people of the distant past would not have understood sophisticated words, they preferred an uncomplicated language . One tends to express oneself more highfaluting and more complicated these days and therefore understands one another less and less. I call this quibbling. The vocabulary constantly grows even though this is not necessary . But there, where it really counts you lack the applicable words. The SANTINER are way ahead of you in this respect and this is why they take an interest in underdeveloped worlds. This Earth is still very, very underdeveloped , but its technology is well advanced in spite of this, too far advanced compared to your spiritual development. * * * * * * * I n d e x: Preface ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Questions and answers ............................................................................................................................................ 2 In regards to a new skin diseases .......................................................................................................................... 8 Questions and answers ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Theme: Cancer .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 Questions and answers .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Addendum to the message: “About the power of faith” ................................................................................ 41 Questions and answers .......................................................................................................................................... 41