Experiences with the mass-media

3 nuclear warhead? No surprise then that spiritualism is completely garbled and disowned by the press. We do however know that peace on Earth and across all frontiers is only possible with the help of the UNIVERSAL TRUTH and never through any form of politics.) One more example Those that have not read the psychic protocols of inter-planetary beings do not know what actually goes on in the world and where our violence will take us. Even theology and also the press live in almost culpable ignorance, because they always rejected the reality in a most blasphemous way. The “ Nachtdepesche ” (German magazine) for instance wrote on the 22 nd of October, 1957: “Ashtar” is the non-terrestrial commander of 10 million occupants of flying saucers. There is a picture of him, a drawing he transmitted via telepathy to a “Messenger of LIGHT” in Berlin and he looks like Winnetou (Karl May character) with a nose like Schiller and a James Dean turtle neck.” If this journalist had ever dealt with the psycho-sciences a little bit in his life, he would not have written such nonsense. Fully automatic writing and drawing has nothing to do with telepathy. It is the otherworldly influence on the nerves and muscles of a sensitive medium. It is absolute magnetic guidance, an automatic movement without the medium’s influence. Do not believe the press. It must learn to deal with the truth first ! The medium is also not a “Messenger of Light” that received something. September 1958 “Monika Speer talks to the universe” The last two internal pages of the (former) Munich Journal “Revue”, #30 from the 26 th of July 1958 contain a special report titled “Monika Speer talks to the universe”, by Werner Roelen . This special report states: “Humbug, superstition or truth – this is the question here. What the Revue reports about the “spiritual meetings” conducted be the Berliner family Speer may just produce a pitiful smile with many readers, but might actually also induce contemplation. Just like New York, London and Paris, Berlin also has a “Psychic Peace Circle” whose members are convinced that flying saucers (Unidentified Flying Objects – UFO) have orbited and controlled planet Earth for a number of years. These UFOS, the circle participants ensure us, are manned by human-like, highly evolved beings, UFO occupants, who come from other stars in space, that they are thousands of years ahead of us in their mental and technological development and that they are here to converse with mediums amongst us – like Monika and UWE Speer . Revue reporter Werner Roelen had the opportunity to take photos and ask questions at a number of such meetings. He writes: ‘These meeting are conducted in a solemn manner, candles on the table illuminate devout countenances, but there is no hocus-pocus here as is the case with other spiritual sessions. The participants of this circle are convinced that they are in contact with messengers from space and they also believe that UFO occupants act under direct instructions of a divine power.’