Experiences with the mass-media

18 phenomenon. These are the words of a naturalist capitulating when faced with an overwhelming truth, but enormously reluctant to deal with it. Only our researcher’s spirit induced us to overcome all shyness in regards to the hereafter. This is the only way other eminent researchers also managed to make progress. If these scientists had said that one should rather desist from nuclear armament and nuclear tests, we might have comprehended this. But the whole pitiful ignorance and cowardice in regards to the mystery of death and ETERNAL LIFE is clearly apparent here. We further ascertained that particularly interested doctors and psychologist show a major interest in experimental spiritism . They are not interested in doctrines or revelations originating from spiritualism , all they are interested in are spook or physical phenomena like telekinesis or levitation , that is to say, the abrogation of gravity. A spiritistic matinee performance is more popular than a spiritual, religious hour of solemnising. We were often asked if we could not conduct our séances better without candles and without creating a religious atmosphere. Serious scientific researchers were apparently against any solemnity. We are therefore of the opinion that academic science rather deals with the lower world of spirit than with a more EMINENT LEVEL. No surprise than that they are made fools of and lied to. The layman’s imaginations in regards to the hereafter are in no way correct. They do not comply with the facts. The layman presupposes that the spiritual realm is a realm of peace and harmony. This however only applies to the higher SPHERES, but there is no idling about there either, only sedulous activity for progress. Spiritists and spiritualists make the experience that most otherworldly souls are eminently fiendish and dangerous. All beastliness is on a superlative level. This alone provides clear cut evidence for the existence of an otherworldly place. Let’s take a medium as an example, one that is really devout and disconcertedly tries to not commit a blasphemy. It can happen that the medium can be utilised by base spirits if it operates within an unprotected circle and amongst characterless participants. An unequal blasphemy is then committed and expressions are used that one finds impossible to come to terms with because they surpass our vocabulary. Is this supposed to be the true subconsciousness of this devout medium? This would be too absurd. Apart from this, an alien individuality can always be detected. Base spirits are the truly dead and they are best left alone. But if one chides them or even offends them, they behave in a far worse manner and if at all possible, they will deploy spook. We managed to observe that they can have quite a considerable influence on physical matter. Under favourable circumstances they can easily move or lift 100kg . This fact raises the question of whether constructions like the pyramids were built with spiritual help, that is to say, with the help of base otherworldly entities. There are also HARD WORKERS in the hereafter, but they are incapable of performing other spiritual work. November 1967 Psycho-science on television The Süddeutsche Fernsehen , (South German Television) in Stuttgart endeavoured to obtain our help. Our wish for a prolonged demonstration of a meeting was unfortunately not fulfilled. No