DNA Information - Addendum

Watson, Crick and Wilkins , said that “those that infringe on these boundaries turn the sciences into a goulash and are therefore just ordinary molecular biologists”. The official sciences punished this critic by giving the Nobel Prize to Watson, Crick and Wilkins in 1962 instead of him and by canonising the replication capabilities of DNA to the “genetic code” to everything. Bad Salzuflen, March 2009 March 1966 The exploration of the realm of the spirit (By Herbert Viktor Speer) For as long as one can avoid the truth about life after one’s physical demise one will probably do so. The acceptance of the spiritual doctrine brings too many major changes with it. The greatest mental capacities and thinkers would be dethroned. This is why the things that are true, are not allowed to be true . Academic science says: “We are not against spiritualists believing in a hereafter, Church-goers do the same, but we prefer to stay out of this”. – The question is: For how much longer can academic science stay out of this? This stance is further perforated every day. University science in the USA is already severely influenced. The fact that occult secrets exist that are waiting to be unveiled can also not be ignored in the Soviet Union either. One does however guard against having such insights turn too popular . We draw the attention of our readers to the fact that expert literature in this field of knowledge is more significant abroad than here in Germany. Editions in English are eminently informative and conclusive. The present situation is that academic science is virtually forced to grapple with occult results. Certain insights can no longer be abnegated or ignored, because they tie in with other important research. Research into energy is presently standing on the threshold to the hereafter. One can take no further steps without crossing that threshold. The tiniest cell is guided. Today’s science already accepts that every micro-cell, every atom and all oscillations must abide by certain rules, ergo commandments. One therefore assumes that every cell must possess a receiver that receives commands and puts them into action. This process is called “INFORMATION” these days. We received some accurate data from the WORLD of SPIRIT about this INFORMATION about 10 years ago that accurately demonstrates this process. We will soon report about this without feathering our own nest. These statements stem from our spirit TEACHERS. We know, based on present day research results, that these statements are absolutely correct. They can be valuable support to the sciences. • What has been established is that this INFORMATION within the cells must have an INFORMER, the way every radio requires a sender it can react to. The INFORMATION can only come from the WORLD of SPIRIT; where else would the required intelligence come from? – What to call GOD or how to address HIM is left up to each individual: “INFORMER”, “LEGISLATOR” or “GOD”, it matters not. To call the INFORMER “MOTHER NATURE” is also not out of place. What is always left is an INTELLIGENCE and this is where we arrive at the right appellation, something we already find in the Bible: • GOD is SPIRIT and the SPIRIT informs the cells.