DNA Information

2 sequence of the bases is coded (genetic code) with the production of proteins. The production of proteins is important for the cells of an organism, because they control the cell’s metabolism (enzymes). At a length of 4m of DNA per cell , the DNA is relatively small: In the form of a double helix, it winds itself a number of times around the protein substructures, which in turn are intertwined into larger nucleotides . These nucleotides in turn are intertwined into larger units ending up as chromosomes . The 23 pairs of chromosomes of man – one simple set from the mother, one from the father – stows away the complete genetic inheritance within the size of a fife thousandths part of a millimetre ! This infinitesimally small core of every cell contains all genetic information for the development of a human being. The multiplicatively intertwined strands of life of the DNA contain the cipher for the construction of the characteristic of the inherited information. When cells divide, the entanglement of the strands organises itself into microscopically visible chromosomes , to ensure that the stored genetic information is transferred in its entirety to the nucleuses, thereby handed down to the next generation. Thousands of genes have been analysed during the last few year and their position determined within particular chromosomes. Genes can contain mistakes, they are mutated and this can lead to genetic disorders. The triggers for these types of mutations are alcohol, nicotine, medicaments and technical radiation etc. – Man, the creator of mutations! Bad Salzuflen, February 1997 Preface (By Herbert Viktor Speer, 1966) Academic science uses the word “information” these days (1966) to express the assumption that every molecule possesses the ability to accept, to store and to abide by COMMANDS and INFORMATION, respectively take behavioural measures. The TEACHERS of the SPIRITUAL WORLD emphasise that molecules and atoms, as well as all cells, actually do possess this characteristics. If this INFORMATION is however coming from the cosmos, there must, logically speaking, also be a corresponding INFORMER present. It does not present a problem to a spiritually minded person to imagine that this INFORMER is GOD. The spiritual world informed us about this process about 10 years ago (1956). The spiritual world used the denotation of “INTUITIVE ENTELECHY” instead of the current denotation of “information”. These accounts were presented as a gift to the spiritual group called “The Greater World League”, London W11, in 1956 for their 25 th anniversary. We provide proof here that the SPIRITUAL WORLD voiced its opinion in regards to this problem at a time, when nobody else on Earth thought about it . The INFORMATION (1) (Author: H. V. Speer, with the support of the spirit guide ARGUN) The TRUTH can only be found in GOD, because GOD is the TRUTH and the TRUTH is eternal. This insight gives man a reason to believe in goodness and to strive for it. Suffering is not within GOD’S plan, but the effect of destructive attacks by base, maleficent intelligences. Suffering is therefore the result of existing contrasts and it is proliferated through the unnatural behaviourism