Death sets no limits

- 2 - For the Church death only represents a great leap into darkness, because it reveals nothing about the conditions after death and at most only fantasises about it. But many, by all means positive clues are available in regards to our future circumstances, they were published many years ago and are hopefully finding a revival with this series of scripts. The question of our immortality was extensively pursued, for over 25 years, by the Medialen Friedenskreis Berlin, under the leadership of Herr Herbert Viktor Speer, in the field of psycho-scientific indoctrina- tion, and recorded on well over 4,500 pages in the Menetekel-protocols. The answers to these questions were given by a team of MESSENGERS of LIGHT from the OTHER WORLD. These answers are logical and meaningful and also unite many of our present world religions. But there is no actual science one could use to clarify things within a few hours and this certainly applies to the most difficult of sciences, namely parapsychology. If there actually are FORCES in existence that are not attached to any organism, the carrier of these FORCES must outlast death and its otherworldly existence must encompass the utili- sation of these FORCES. Death represents a kind of forced induction for everybody. This is why human beings ought to carry out their knowledge conversion during their lifetime on Earth, because it can then become beneficial to them during their earthly existence. Bad Salzuflen, July 1991 1.0 Opening words 1.1 The MESSENGER of LIGHT AREDOS to the theme It is strange that the people living on Earth basically prefer to be dead than to believe that they are im- mortal. All efforts are made to prove that death exists. I can tell you that it is a lot harder to furnish such evidence than prove immortality, because everything offered as absolute proof is nothing else but an enormous distortion of facts! Please remember that all such attempts only arise from human thoughts. Nature shows you quite con- spicuously that there is a second, for you still reserved level of existence. But all of the facts are inten- tionally misinterpreted. You’re aware that the belief in ghosts, based on facts, has been spread all over the world for many thousands of years and cannot be eradicated. On the other hand, there are people that claim to be ob- jective, but still find a different interpretation for all of these facts. The theories of inherited customs and traditions represent also some of these distortions. One asserts that today’s man has inherent mem- ories of those superstitious spirit cults within his subconscious, which these days make fun of him in many ways.  It is really astonishing how reluctant human beings are when it comes to accepting the ABSO- LUTE, because the ABSOLUTE includes the full responsibility for all of man’s actions. The oppressive fear of the consequences of evil thoughts and deeds is the only reason to modify any theory that teaches the absolute annihilation of memory and consciousness. It is quite apparent that people with a guilty conscience, because of their ungodliness or other negative behaviour, grasp for such distortions of the TRUTH with peculiar zealousness. They are the ones that hope for their absolute death, that are also afraid that they just might be wrong. This just can’t be true in their eyes under any circumstances. All of their thoughts concentrate on the absolute annihilation of the human consciousness. They deny the existence of GOD, his realm and the immortality of the hu- man soul.