Church and doctrine - Part 2

53 Objection : It is astonishing that people who professionally deal with the Bible do not ask the question: “What kind of instrument am I and whom do I serve?” One must surely comprehend the kind of miracle human beings really are. ELIAS : The fact that human beings represent the greatest miracle within creation was already proclaimed in songs sung by hippies. People unfortunately do not make full use of their spiritual gifts. December 1969 Question : What is the reason why religion is so difficult to understand that so many people shy away from it? ELIAS : One is dealing with an invisible factor here. Mankind needs an idol , but it has to be a visible one, one it can pay homage to. This is the reason why CHRIST gained a primary position. Even if it is a replacement for the GREAT INVISIBLE, it will be accepted. Communism learned its lessons from this fact: It does not promise a paradise in the hereafter, something people find very difficult to imagine, it promises a paradise on Earth instead. People find it easier to follow this version. In addition to this comes the fact that people generally tend to stick with something concrete, because it is more convenient to do so. They find abstract concepts too difficult to understand. • People would like to express their inner feelings, but they do not know how. This is the reason why a cult was born that has nothing to do with the truth. One is then surprised that people do not see the things in a cult they were actually meant to see. All religions are much too abstract. This is the great mistake. But as you know, spiritualism can be very concrete. Abstract thoughts require a certain amount of training and most people lack that training. The End