A positive philosophy

2 July 1962 A positive philosophy (1) Author: H. V. Speer, leader of the Psychic Peace Circle, Berlin. Present day philosophy had to fail in lots of respects because it left human studies, one of the most important special subjects, out of the equation. This essential, special subject is parapsychology . It is in fact the birthplace of theology and also the genuine basis of the whole philosophy. But this particular core within the search for the truth in particular is either disclaimed or ridiculed . Besides, the CORE of the TRUTH is specifically and most severely attacked through deceit and lies or through incomprehensible distortions of the facts . • Parapsychology – if positively handled – allows us the gain the deepest insights into cosmic, respectively astral events thereby giving us a rational explanation for the invisible EXISTENCE of the human soul. • Above everything else, we may not overlook the fact that all great revelations are of a purely parapsychological nature. We have to analyse parapsychology’s origin when asked to explain it and we find this with all native tribes all over the whole world. Superstitions and heathenish idolatry of secret POWERS are the most primitive forms of transcendental insights. These facts may not be garbled through a negative philosophy. On the contrary – great importance has to be apportioned to them from a philosophical point of view. Hypnosis and suggestion are only of secondary importance. Religious miracles are not based on suggestion, ergo not imagined from within one’s own will. Genuine miracles can only be triggered by the greatest COSMIC POWER. One has to make a very accurate distinction between genuine and pathological hallucinations: • A genuine hallucination is a spiritual experience of the soul and not of the brain! August 1963 A positive philosophy (2) There are lots of people that are intelligent enough to turn themselves into the riches people on Earth. They abuse their power in a most uncanny way and this naturally by being extremely ruthless. These people apportion a lot of importance to their riches. There are intelligent people on the other hand that could also enjoy great economic success, but they forgo such success. They are not interested in promoting their finances in such a way, because they are more intelligent and above everything else, have a greater sense of responsibility than the so- called successful. These people are informed about the mystery of GOOD and EVIL. It is not within them to trample people underfoot. • This is why wealth and success are not life’s yardsticks in regards to ability and intelligence. Allegedly dumb people, those that forgo wealth, are not taken serious by those that are successful and they are therefore derided and made fun of. The difference between these two groups mainly