Terror attack on the USA (2)

7 EUPHENIUS:We cannot and may not answer this here and now, because we do not know this ourselves. A great many negative and positive VIBRATIONS are presently flowing on this planet. We try - as you do too - to direct our thoughts in a positive direction in order to ENERGETICALLY harmonise so that something like this does not happen. But we are well aware that in spite of our support in the past, things have run a different course. We believe in you, in your steadfastness and in your trust in GOD and we know that you also send positive thoughts so this does not happen to you, Mother Nature, your Earth and your children. Question :A memorable sign of the times were conjoint religious services between Christian and Islamic communities with reversed role play. Christian ministers sermonised over a Sura from the Koran, whilst adolescents read accounts of what people wrote on slips of paper about their faith. How do you assess such activities? EUPHENIUS: It shows that in times of troubles, many religious communities close ranks so that the fears within their hearts are not realised.  It shows that it is possible to amalgamate various opinions and various topics in order to gain something positive from its entirety.  It shows that as human beings, you are able to approach one another with respect and with dignity.  It shows that it takes a catastrophe before you recognise that one can take responsibility for one’s fellow man, one’s neighbour and for all those that find themselves in dire situations. The funny thing is that you will only do so when something terrible happens. Any other time you try to curtail one another’s development with envy and by playing the informer. A catastrophe offers the chance to close ranks and to recognise that the GOAL you have set yourselves is actually much higher than you first thought. With this in mind, I would like to bring this meeting to a close and I ask you to carry out a closing meditation with us in order to send LIGHT into the dark SPHERES so that the souls there can be lead toward the divine LIGHT and so they can recognise that all of you are equal and not diverse and so that it will be acknowledged that all human beings are connected to and in contact with one another. We are looking forward to the next meeting. TAI SHIIN will be with us then in order to answer questions and in order to tell you what the SANTINER would like to give you along the way during this earthly crisis situation. We hope that you recognise that all of you carry a great FORCE within you , there to have an external effect. Realise that the divine LAWS are TOOLS in your hands, there to help you exist here on Earth. - With this in mind: EUPHENIUS and the TEAM.