- 4 - Question : The Thesaurus states: „Respect, a basic metaphysical, religious and human attitude in respect to the highest divine values, GOD and moral order.“ What do you say to that? Answer : This you can leave as it is because it contains exactly the points we have discussed at the beginning. Question : Can one say that human being should adore GOD in a cult-less fashion with respect and self-discipline? Answer : This is a good ending and a good summary of what you should learn about „Honour“ – „Fear“. All important questions pertaining to this theme have been discussed this even- ing. We want to add something regarding this: • Many things which are said or sent through f a l s i f i e d reports here on Earth are d e s t r o y i n g this planet; through thoughts that are VIBRATING in ADVANCE and acts that are the results of this. The people are gullible in what they say and do! Our requests to you: • P a y a t t e n t i o n to what you a r e s e n d i n g in thoughts or words! These thoughts and words will return to this planet. Pay attention to this! You can achieve a lot through this. Consider what you have learnt here up to now about what makes up the soul, humanity and the contact between individual souls. • P a y a t t e n t i o n and a p p r e c i a t e every soul ! Only through your very own divine LOVE you can find the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. We are with you with divine LOVE and we are looking forward to our next meeting. GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD! – ARON and the TEAM. Saying good-bye and expressing their appreciation was followed by a short meditation to close the chakras. Words of the LIGHT MESSENGER WHITE EAGLE: If you are suffering from distress and unpleasant circumstances, then – instead of entertain and culti- vate them – replace them with a perfect divine thought. We are aware that we announce a perfect GOSPEL, but we also know how human beings get stuck in their errors and confusion if they cannot realise this gospel.