Mental illnesses

39 recognise that every human being has his or her place here on Earth in order to develop and in order to unfold within their own spiritual PLANE. Trust in the fact that all of this is escorted and encouraged by the spiritual SIDE.  Abide by the divine LAWS, because they will continue to act as validation of your own worthiness. Recognise that you are one stone of many in the drama life presents her on Earth. Pay attention to the LIGHT and not to darkness. Pay attention to good and not to evil. Pay attention to your heart and to the information and knowledge it convey to you. Concentrate on yourselves and do not judge others , but give them LIGHT and confidence so that they can also go their own way. We thank you for your questions and thank you for the work you do here in order to pave the way for others, helping them to recognise how important the interplay between the body, the spirit and the soul is. One cannot simply switch the soul off and just dismiss it as something the Church has conjured up. For the upcoming Christmas lightshow we wish you harmony. May the LIGHT expand within you and may it bring you the wisdom of finding yourself. All of you lack going within, peace within and arriving within. The going within and hearing within in order to hear what the soul wants to tell you is being lost. Look after yourselves and do not allow your everyday life to catch up with you all that often. This is the only way you can protect your soul and to escape the attacks that are taking place around you.  Your soul needs nourishment in equal measure to your body. What is important is the kind of nourishment you give! You have the choice and the free will to poison your body and you also have the choice and the free will to poison your soul. Bear this in mind, because it will protect you from illnesses and mental anguish. All of us escort you through these festive times in peace and with LOVE. Also utilise this festival to arrive at the original essence of this festival. Do not forget why you celebrate this festive season! Do not forget that the meaning of this festival is a very major one. All of us accompany you and wish you all the best in this sense and we are looking forward to the Christmas session. An eminent ENTITY will participate at this meeting. We are looking forward to your questions and we hope that you make good use of the “TELEPHONE LINE” in the mean time and that you give us the opportunity to influence your soul, in order to transmit spiritual NOURISHMENT to you. In this sense we wish you a pleasant evening and we hope you gained many insights that you can put into practise in your everyday existence. We close this meeting in the name of the FATHER, the CREATOR of this Earth and in the name of JESUS CHRIST, who has shown and taught you how the divine LAWS are to be perceived and spread further. All of us are subject to these divine LAWS and HIS divine PROTECTION.