Conflict with Iraq

5 GOD will be dragged through the mud and not used as it’s meant to be used, as a divine instrument, it will be used as an instrument of destruction. Participant : The US-President is asking in front of TV-cameras for divine assistance. EUPHENIUS : He will not get this assistance because a war will not be encouraged or supported by the DIVINE POWER. People like that do not know the true content of what the DIVINE TUTORING will spread on Earth. These people know nothing and are non-believers. These souls do not understand that the will have to give an account for all their actions on planet Earth at a later date. They do not realise that the true life is just beginning. They do not know or they do not want to know that they are here on Earth to enlighten and develop their soul. They mock and ridicule the WORD of GOD and that is a cardinal sin. These souls do not know that they are misguided by other powers, that use them like puppets on strings, and that they can bring sorrow to many people. Question : What should the United Nations (UN) do, if it is a fact that some nations are producing atomic and other weapons of mass-destructions? EUPHENIUS : There are many nations that use these weapons as a protective shield because they don’t trust anybody else to keep them protected and so to live in peace. The excuse, to protect oneself from some imaginary enemy, is always a deception. You haven’t realised that all of you are inter-connected with each other and if one is affected by something, so is the other. It is a chain that cannot be broken. If it comes to a nuclear war, it will mean the complete and utter destruction of your materialistic world. You have not recognised that you don’t have to guard against others, but you must realise that all of you are brothers and sisters. * The amalgamation of countries is the start of GOD’S WILL, namely a brotherhood between diverse people and diverse religions. * The final objective is the disbandment of all borders, all nationalities and all religious commandments. Humanity on Earth muss begin to realise this, as this is its development and its history. Building walls around you and thinking thoughts of destruction is not the right way, it will definitely lead to annihilation. Interjection : You talk about destruction: we were told at one stage, that there would not be an atomic war nor a WW3. EUPHENIUS : This was only given as an example to show you that not only one country has these weapons, other countries have them just the same. They’re afraid of being overrun by other nations or ethnic groups. You still haven’t realised that you all spring from the same source, no matter what skin colour, what language or what religions differences. You’re all under the one CREATOR who is the fountainhead of your existence. Question : How can a single individual help to avert a war? EUPHENIUS : By prayer and trust, by stopping all activities that create negative vibrations on your planet and to do this through DIVINE LOVE and by what you can send to those around you under the guidance of DIVINE LAWS. Prayers and LIGHT will be the shield that stops all that is presently happening on Earth. Participant : We thank you for your message. EUPHENIUS : We thank you for your questions and for the opportunity to spread a little LIGHT into your confused environment. The question of survival is for all of