
4 Comment : Is it the regularity and the amplified extension of one’s action that makes one addicted? LUKAS : Nobody forces you to handle it like that! I ask you: Even though you are aware of its effects, “why” do you do it just the same? Question : I don’t know. - Has it anything to do with one’s social milieu? LUKAS :That too -, and with your self-discipline. It is nobody else but you . Who stops you from saying no ? - PEER PRESSURE does come into play later on. Question : I asked an alcoholic, one who must often give lectures in front of public personalities, why he drinks. His answer was that alcohol makes him considerably calmer and it makes his inner tension dwindle before a lecture. He dismissed any reference to the damage alcohol can do. How can one explain this kind of behaviourism? LUKAS :Not a lot of alcoholics, well, dare I say it, no addict will ever admit his addiction. And if he does do so, he will argue that he has control over his addiction and that he could stop taking the respective drug any time, but that he doesn’t want to do so. Question :Accordingly, is the change to addictive behaviour gradually and very difficult to perceive by individual people suffering from addictions? LUKAS :As we said before: There are many addictions. Even jogging in the forest can become addictive. But the possibility still exists here to counteract this through forceful and clear cut argumentation. The situation is considerably more difficult with addictions that directly affect the soul , like for instance with alcoholics, smokers and people who use opiates. Question :Are addictions accompanied by spiritual, but to us ALIEN INFLUENCES? (T. B: No, not always.) LUKAS :Yes, this can be the case, but it doesn’t always have to be. It happens quite often that people start an addiction based on their free will, even though they are well aware of the dangers. With this they signal the spiritual world which way they have chosen to go based on their free will. This can bring sinister POWERS into play and they are very hard to shake off. But it all started with that ominous, but voluntary first step of. EUPHENIUS:You have recognised that this theme is a multifaceted theme, one with many, various factors and one that has repercussion that cannot necessarily be reconciled with one another. Every addiction has different effects on the body, the soul and your own self. Question :According to statistics, a majority of families in our society are affected by problems of addictions. More people suffer from it than one generally assumes and almost all of us