Universe and extraterrestrial life

2 the challenges you, as a group, are faced with. We also welcome all the other terrestrial souls who actively support your work, very affectionately. May GOD’S blessing be with them throughout this year. We hope that we’re able to continue to accomplish such highly qualitative work with you and we hope that this year will also bring a lot of new insights and progress, not just for you as a group, but also for those that read these reports and this information. These insights serve the purpose of inspiring the souls here on planet Earth to mature so that they find their way out of this chaos. We begin with the automatic part of the meeting. Our guest TAI SHIIN will announce his presence here later. The automatic writing part of the meeting began under the guidance of the SPIRIT TEACHER LUKAS. LUKAS :GREETINGS IN THE NAME OF GOD! This is LUKAS writing. We have been tracking your thoughts. Yes, it is important to read the introduction to every meeting. It helps heightening the VIBRATIONS and it replaces a conjoint prayer. My TEAM and I also hope for a successful cooperation with you and we await your first question with a keen interest. Question :Some scientists are of the opinion that there must have been a big bang in the distant past that created the universe. Are they correct? LUKAS :Well, this assumption is correct. The so-called “big bang” - as you call it - did happen. The universe came into being through the release of an enormously compressed ENERGY. GOD’S SPIRIT suddenly released this compression and this triggered the expansion of the universe that is still continuing to this day. The centre of the explosion… (T. B: False!) …was not within the centre of this ENERGY AGGLOMERATION, but some distance away from the epicentre. This decentralised energy release created the universal angular momentum that persists to this very day. The “big bang” theory is not accepted by all your scientists. There are other theories, but they are incorrect. One will eventually find out, the way it has always been the case in your science’s history. (T. B: One has to ask for more information.) Question :How did the planets come into being? LUKAS :The planets are the sun’s children. As the planetary system began to form, they were parts of a disk shaped structure to begin with. There was an enormously powerful centre of gravity within the centre of this disk shaped structure. In the course of time, planets separated as individual rings through the influence of external forces. A compression of the physical components of these rings took place later. The universal