SANTINER-Contact 1998

13 These souls are not in the spiritual realm. They are presently in a state of sleep and they do not remember what has happened. These souls have been wrenched out of their respective situations due to natural catastrophes. This was not foreseen within the divine PLAN. These souls will return to this planet. Question : It had come up for discussion in the past that we ought to deal with free energy with Nikola Tesla and yourself. Is there still any sense in that? TAI SHIIN : There is still sense in this , but it will take some time (still) because the ENERGY and your LIGHT FREQUENCY are presently insufficient to do this. Objection :We cannot carry out any costly test series nor laboratory tests, because we lack the necessary equipment. TAI SHIIN :This is not really what was asked for. Nikola Teslas’s soul will give you directives in this regards. But the time is not ripe for this. Question : Is there an opportunity to verify the presence of spirit entities through technological means ? TAI SHIIN :Your present day science is presently unable to carry this out. These VIBRATIONS are so enormous that your measuring instruments are not suitable at all. - This is one of the ASSIGNMENTS carried out by those spaceships in the USA. Further developments or impulses will come from this station (Area 51). Question :Telepathy represents the universal method of communication throughout the universe. What would I have to do to optimise my inherent aptitude in order to make contact with you? TAI SHIIN : Ask that this line of communication is expanded and upgraded and it will happen. Question : I presently hear a concrete whistling sound and it now slowly disappears. What was that? TAI SHIIN :This acoustic stimulation is based on ENERGY FREQUENCIES sent from my side. Participant : I have been hearing this FREQUENCY for quite some time and one of my friends hear it also. We telephoned one another at time to find out whether we receive this frequency simultaneously . But this whistling sound has not appeared as frequently for a while now. Why? TAI SHIIN :What happened is that our connection was interrupted, because another assignment asked for your attention (Automatic writing). If you have the desire to make contact with me, your BROTHER from the STARS, your plea will not fall on deaf ears.