The Slimming Agent from Elmshorn

2 Robert Sebastian, the author of the book “ The fountain of youth secret. In 7 steps 10 years younger” ( Das Jungbrunnengeheimnis – in 7 Schritten 10 Jahre jünger), published by the Herbig Publishing Company, asked the healer Kaczenski in his book how he explains his wondrous abilities? Kaczenski said: “I cannot explain it. This is obviously a gift from God I can use to heal people with. I have also been working as a naturopath for years.” There is also the fact that people lose weight where they want to lose it. It depends on where he places his hands. Medical School practitioner Dr. med. Andreas-Hans Wasylewski, in charge of the Yvas-Day Clinic for biomedicine in Ravensburg, Wuertemberg is sure that an ENERGY TRANSFER to the patient takes place. This would activate the patient’s harmony and speed up the metabolism. Fat cells could certainly be broken down in this way. According to his assessment, we are not dealing with purely placebo-effects here. The journal “The other reality” reported quite often about the different, successful treatment methods of naturopaths. A placebo-effect could assertively be ruled out with a number of them. Particularly with patients that were not aware that they were actually receiving treatment. One can naturally not necessarily exclude a placebo-effect in regards to a lot of patients that are asking to be treated by a healer. This doesn’t really matter. It’s the result that counts after all. The placebo-effect can also not be excluded when seeing a doctor, particularly when the patient holds the white garb in high esteem. It is a strange fact that a lot of patients with toothaches no longer feel any pain the moment they enter the treatment room of a dentist. A lot of things would surely have to be investigated in this way – but there are hardly any initiatives to do so. After all, one cannot sell psychic healing like a pill. As the pharmaceutical industry is very powerful, papers and journals naturally think twice about whether they can do without such advertisements. Other factors also a play a part – because a lot of healers exclusively work for themselves and their own livelihood. There doesn’t seemed to be an overriding reason to do anything about it and this is why it has been neglected to establish a lobby group, something that could certainly have been in the realm of possibilities a few years ago. Those that want to talk to Miroslav Kaczenski can reach him via the above mentioned telephone numbers. Bad Salzuflen, October 2001